artemide "talo" range, since 2001. design by neil poulton
talo suspension (black) — artemide2001 to present
talo suspension (black) — artemide2001 to present
talo wall 120 (black) — artemide2001 to present
talo wall (black) — artemide2001 to present
artemide “talo” range, design by neil poulton, 2001 to present
neil poulton designed the first ’talo’ lamp in 2001 – the design won 5 international design awards and became an immediate best-seller.
created using a purified design language, neil poulton’s ’talo’ has become the blueprint for an entire typology of lighting – the design has been imitated countless times.
the authentic artemide ’talo’ range has been in continued production for over 20 years, a proven long-lasting commercial success.talo is manufactured entirely from extruded & die-cast aluminium.
intemporal, ’physically and emotionally durable’, the ’talo’ lighting range is designed to last a lifetime.
awards :
apci “étoile de design”,
if product design award
red dot award
augusto morello/intel design prize
recommendation compasso d’oro—
photos ©artemide—
’timeless’ – goldie, 1995.