design by neil poulton
glenmorangie, lemon zester, design by neil poulton.
photo by nicolas foucher.
the trademarks of neil poulton’s design are minimalist forms – characterised by a poetic, individualised aesthetic
— jasna galjer, preface to the “design by neil poulton” exhibition catalogue.
bookles (nessie) — christoflebookmark in plated silver
design by neil poulton -
bookles (crook) — christoflebookmark in plated silver
design by neil poulton -
bookles (brooch) — christoflebookmark in plated silver
design by neil poulton -
christofle, ’bookles’ silver-plated bookmark range, design by neil poulton.
“the name ’bookles’ is a play on words, blending sound and sense between the english and french languages – a reflection of the forms used for this collection of these six plated-silver bookmarks and page dividers” — christofle press release.
la bag-ette (concepts) — guzzinipolitically incorrect (but still funny) sketches of frenchies with la bag-ette.
la bag-ette (detail) — guzzinidesign by neil poulton
la bag-ette — guzzinidesign by neil poulton
la bag-ette (detail) — guzzinidesign by neil poulton
guzzini (food design), ’la bag-ette’, design by neil poulton.
“la bagette brings your loaf to hand for the defence of honour – or just for a quick sandwich”
a commission from guzzini (food design) to design a product emblematic of french haute cuisine. -
antenna — vertigo birdminimal !
photo by tilen sepec
design by neil poulton
2012 -
vertigo bird, ’antenna’, design by neil poulton.
“antenna is a delicate statement – a fragile and minimalist expression of the desk lamp, a poetic simplification of task lighting” — vertigo bird press release
sketches wallpaper — nlxlcommercially available, digitally printed 9m roll of wallpaper - with no repeats.
design by neil poulton
2016 -
sketches wallpaper — nlxllast minute corrections at nlxl, the hague, netherlands.
sketches wallpaper (roll) — nlxlcommercially available, digitally printed 9m roll - with no repeats.
design by neil poulton -
sketches wallpaper — nlxllast minute corrections at nlxl, the hague, netherlands.
nlxl, ’sketches’ wallpaper, design by neil poulton.
say something once, why say it again ?
no repeats. commercially available, digitally printed, 9 metres long wallpaper, compiling thousands of design sketches by neil poulton. with no repeats.
unsliced — danese milano,unproduced shelving system
design by neil poulton
2002 -
slice — danese milanoconcept sketch
design by neil poulton
2002 -
slice — danese milanoconcept sketch
design by neil poulton
2002 -
slice — danese milanodesign by neil poulton
photo m. zagnoli
2002 -
danese milano
’slice’ desk tidy design by neil poulton,
’2 flags’ lighting range design by neil poulton & ernesto gismondi.an exercise in how to turn an extruded aluminium pen & desk tidy into a lighting range.
two flags (chrome) — danesedesign by ernesto gismondi & neil poulton
two flags (white) — danesedesign by ernesto gismondi & neil poulton
two flags — danese milanodesign by ernesto gismondi & neil poulton